20 Kasım 2013 Çarşamba

Arielle, The Mermaid


I have been working on a showcase miniature from guildofharmony.com . It is a lovely miniature with incredible details. Steampunk themed Arielle, the Mermaid.
Here is the process it has gone through.
I hope you enjoy!

Initial Base Design

2 Layer Undercoat

Purple Basecoat via airbrush

1st layer via airbrush + some highlight

Model placed on the base(probably not a good idea, but still..)

Basecoats on laces, corset, leathers and hair.
Purple scales and clam bikini with highlights.

I did not like the purple clam bikini and scales so changed it to light turquoise.
Some highlights on the hair

Finished skill / face, some more highlights on hair, some work on laces and googles

Finished laces, and more work on corset.

Some moss addition to bases, foam style! Check-out massive voodoo.

Model finished with final highlights and touches.

Here is the finished model.
Worked with Vallejo Still water, I am not fully satisfied with the water effect but it was my first try so it is ok!
Enyoj! :)